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Fladerei Flade und Ofen

My heart is filled with joy

A crispy, juicy flatbread and a refreshing Fladerei beer: This will certainly leave more than just your mouth open.

Warning: Make sure that your Flade does not get „fladered“ by the person sitting next to you!

Fladerei Salzgries Ofen
Fladerei Fladen
Fladerei Zapfhähne
Fladerei Bier
Fladere Flade im Ofen

Most wanted

The crispy base of our flatbreads is our own flatbread. Sour cream, garlic curd or tomato sauce provide the juicy base.
Fresh ingredients such as vegetables, ham, mozzarella, bacon, olives and much, much more guarantee delicious taste experiences. The baked result tastes pretty great. And all at a relatively low price.

Fladenmännchen winking

Hunger & Thirst

Have you acquired a taste for it?
You can find the menus on the pages of our restaurants.

Fladenmännchen drinking beer

Fladerei Salzgries Logo
Fladerei Zapfhähne
Fladerei FladeMir am Fenster

Fladerei Franchise: Seize Flavorful Possibilities!

Our passion for crafting delicious handmade “Fladen” – pita bread in German – featuring a wide range of fillings has been at the heart of our success since 1985.

Why Choose Fladerei?

  • Proven Concept: Our concept has been a hit since day one. With six successful Fladerei restaurants in Vienna, Austria, we are ready to bring our flavorful creations across the ocean.
  • Amusing Twist: Colloquially, “Fladerei” also means ‘theft’ in Vienna – a playful twist reflected in our mascot and logo. But fear not, the only thing we’re stealing is hearts with our delicious food!
  • Simply Good: Our slogan says it all: “It´s simply good.” No flashy trends or gimmicks – just time-tested excellence.
  • Vienna Creations: Our menu of handmade pita breads features over 50 regular varieties of fillings, along with a rotating selection of 200 additional fillings perfected over four decades. These are our “Vienna creations”, and they’re truly original and unique.
  • Customizable Delights: Customers can tailor their orders to suit their tastes. Whether they prefer savory sour cream, garlic toppings, or flavorful tomato sauces – the result is always great.
  • German and Austrian Brewing Heritage: Our menu isn’t complete without a selection of traditional beers, reflecting the essence of German and Austrian brewing heritage

Why Choose Fladerei?

Venturing into the American market is both thrilling and challenging. We value collaboration and believe that your fresh ideas and insights can elevate Fladerei to new heights. Join us as we create a flavorful adventure together!

Franchise Benefits:

  • Simple Setup: Minimal kitchen effort, maximum flavor.
  • Affordable Entry: Manageable investment.
  • Guidance with Freedom: Helpful guidelines, individual flexibility.
  • Proven Track Record: 40 years of excellence and success.
  • • Professionalism & Trust: Our handshake quality speaks volumes.

Hungry for success? Let’s chat!
Contact us now and explore the exciting world of Fladerei Franchise.

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Fladerei GmbH
1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 10/3

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