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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 21, 2019

We, Fladerei GmbH, provide here a basic overview of how we handle personal data when visiting our website. We use personal data in accordance with legal regulations.

You can visit our site without providing any personal information. Personal data is only collected if you voluntarily provide it to us during your visit to our website.

Who is responsible for data processing?
Fladerei GmbH
Börsegasse 10/3
1010 Vienna
E-Mail: office@fladerei.com

Commercial Register Number: 424551s HG Wien
VAT Number: ATU69072914

We point out the possibility that individual franchisees may have stored personal data as part of their business activities. Any inquiries in this regard should be directed to the respective franchisees. You can find the contact details here.

What data is processed?
We process personal data such as email address, name, title, telephone number, country, city only if you provide them on a voluntary basis.

For what purposes and on what legal basis is the data processed?
We process personal data exclusively for the purpose selected by you: franchise inquiry form, subscribing to the weekly menu.
The legal bases for this are:

• Consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1a DSGVO)
If you have given us consent to process your personal data, processing will only occur according to the purposes specified in the consent declaration and to the extent agreed therein. Consent given can be revoked at any time with future effect.

• Fulfillment of contractual obligations (Art. 6 Abs. 1b DSGVO)
The processing of your data is necessary to carry out pre-contractual measures requested by you.

• Protection of legitimate interests (Art. 6 Abs. 1f DSGVO)
The processing of your data is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of us or a third party.

Who receives your data?
Within Fladerei GmbH, only those departments or employees receive your data who require it to fulfill contractual and legal obligations, as well as to safeguard legitimate interests.

In addition, data processors commissioned by us (especially sales service providers) receive your data if they require it to fulfill their respective tasks. All data processors are contractually obligated to treat your data confidentially and to process it only within the scope of service provision.

Fladerei GmbH reserves the right to use or disclose data to the extent necessary to comply with laws, protect the integrity of the website, or respond to legitimate requests.

How long are your data stored and processed?
Data for the weekly menu subscription will only be stored until you unsubscribe. Upon unsubscribing, this data will be irreversibly deleted.

Data for the fulfillment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations will be stored for the duration of the entire contractual relationship (from initiation through processing to termination of a contract) and beyond, in accordance with legal retention and documentation obligations. These obligations arise, among others, from the Commercial Code (UGB), the Federal Fiscal Code (BAO).

In addition, statutory limitation periods must be considered in the storage period, which can, for example, be up to 30 years (the general limitation period is 3 years) according to the General Civil Code (ABGB) in certain cases.

What data protection rights do you have?
You retain control over all personal data that you provide to us online. You can request information about the data processed about you at any time (please send your request in writing to the above email address and provide proof of your identity [e.g., by providing a copy of an official photo ID] in an appropriate form).

If you wish to change the data stored about you or modify your consent to receive communications, you can inform us directly on the website via the weekly menu subscription form.

You can at any time correct or delete data stored about you beyond the weekly menu subscription or revoke your consent to its use (via the above email address or postal address).

Is there automated decision-making, including profiling?
We do not use automated decision-making according to Art 22 DSGVO to make decisions about establishing and conducting business relationships.

Cookies, Web Analytics
To analyze the structure and navigation of our website and continuously improve it, we use Matamo. This is a so-called web analysis software. Matamo uses so-called „cookies,“ which are text files stored on your computer that enable us to analyze the use of the website. For this purpose, the usage information generated by the cookie (including your shortened IP address) is transmitted to our server and stored for usage analysis purposes. This serves exclusively for optimizing our website. Your IP address is immediately anonymized during this process, so that you remain anonymous to us as a user. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website will not be disclosed to third parties. You can prevent the use of cookies by adjusting your browser software settings, although this may prevent you from fully utilizing all functions of this website.

You can read exactly which data we analyze with Matamo here.

You can prevent Matamo from collecting data by clicking on the following checkbox. An opt-out cookie will be set to prevent the future collection of your data when visiting this website:

Links and features from external providers
We offer links (connections) to various providers on our website. As part of this linking, your browser will automatically connect to the selected service provider (e.g., Facebook, Google Maps, Instagram, Tripadvisor) when using the respective service.

If you use this website and features, you may make your data not only accessible to these third-party providers but also to their users and the broader public, depending on how the services operate. Fladerei GmbH is not responsible for the content or business practices of these websites or services. The collection, use, and disclosure of your data are solely subject to the privacy policies of these third-party websites or services, not this privacy policy. We strongly recommend reading the privacy and security policies of these third-party providers.

How do we protect your data?
Data protection is important to us. We protect your data with various complementary security measures (technical, physical, and administrative) to reduce the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of your data in accordance with applicable law. Some of our security measures include firewalls, data encryption, physical access controls, and administrative data protection controls. Although we use security technologies and procedures to protect your personal data, no system or network is guaranteed to be one hundred percent secure.

Data protection for children
The services are intended for a general audience and not for children under 16 years of age. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from children under 16 years of age without valid parental consent, we will take appropriate measures to delete this data as soon as possible. We also adhere to other age restrictions and requirements under applicable law.

Changes to the privacy policy
We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time to adapt it to changes in the law, data collection and use, the features of the services, or technological advances. We will provide the amended privacy policy through the services. Therefore, you should regularly review the policy. You can recognize whether the privacy policy has changed since you last read it by the „Effective from“ date at the top of the document. You will be informed by suitable means and in accordance with legal requirements if we make significant changes to this privacy policy. By continuing to use our services, you confirm that you have read and understood the most recent version of this privacy policy.